Hello beautiful teachers! I hope that you are having a wonderful week as we prepare our hearts to learn and teach the wonderful birth of Jesus. What an amazing season of Joy we are in right now – Christmas is by far, my family’s favorite holiday. The tree, the decorations, the smell of warm cookies baking on the weekend; all signs of the Christmas holiday at our house. One of my favorite decorations is my Willow Tree Nativity scene. When the kids were much smaller, I didn’t put this decoration out because I didn’t want it to get broken. I also used to move the decorations around to make them look perfect once the kiddos were done “decorating”. In their minds, putting every single ornament on 5 chosen branches at the very bottom of the tree was perfect. I only did this for one year though - I found myself stressed and worried about things that weren't important.
I work daily to keep my focus on what really matters - realizing that Christmas isn’t about a perfect tree or keeping my Nativity scene in a box. It is about celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ and the pure joy that this should bring to everyone! I try to remember daily the reason for why we are celebrating – to see the perfection in our Lord versus perfection in everything around us. No matter what we are going through, we can always turn to a perfect God in this imperfect world. My prayer this week is that we are all able to remember this – even through the hustle and bustle of life and through the Christmas season. We put too many unrealistic expectations on ourselves – God does not. He just wants us to believe that Jesus is His son who came to seek and save the lost and to celebrate and share this wonderful news!!
John 3:16
I work daily to keep my focus on what really matters - realizing that Christmas isn’t about a perfect tree or keeping my Nativity scene in a box. It is about celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ and the pure joy that this should bring to everyone! I try to remember daily the reason for why we are celebrating – to see the perfection in our Lord versus perfection in everything around us. No matter what we are going through, we can always turn to a perfect God in this imperfect world. My prayer this week is that we are all able to remember this – even through the hustle and bustle of life and through the Christmas season. We put too many unrealistic expectations on ourselves – God does not. He just wants us to believe that Jesus is His son who came to seek and save the lost and to celebrate and share this wonderful news!!
John 3:16