Unhesitatingly, my reply was to say that, hands down, God’s greatest characteristic of all is His great LOVE for us! For it is out of that that we are able to rest secure in all His other magnificent qualities which all flow so perfectly from that one defining characteristic, Love!
For instance, knowing that all He does is a result of His unfailing & perfect love for us, we can trust in His Sovereignty. We have a confidence in His Goodness, again because we know it stems from His Love. We can rest in His unshakeable loving Faithfulness since we know that He is for us & not against us. We can give ourselves wholeheartedly to the King of kings & Lord of lords because of the assurance we have based on His great love for us. We can stand on his great mercy & grace because it is based on His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. We can fall at His feet in worship for being slow to anger & abundantly patient & kind again, because of his abounding love for us.
In other words, we can stand secure in all God is (all His wonderful characteristics) because they all find their roots in His perfect Love for us! The moment we know (and truly get) just how much we are loved by Him, is the moment we will finally be able to freely love in return. For it is Christ's love that compels us to live life as He did…loving God & loving others. Remember His words to us…”faith, hope & love but the greatest of these if Love!” (1 Cor. 13:13).
One last thought, not only is that God’s greatest characteristic but His love really is enough, friends! : )