The essence of sin? An ungrateful, self-centered life. And the gospel message is that Jesus came to set things right: “And He died for all, that those who live should NO LONGER LIVE FOR THEMSELVES but for Him who died for them and was raised again.” (2 Cor. 5:15)
Why? Because that is the very essence of God Himself and we have been created in His very own image. God put this kind of life on display for us from Genesis to Revelation (its God's true life story), culminating in the life of Jesus. Jesus, laying aside His status, came in the same fashion as THOSE HE CREATED! And in becoming human He lived a life of service to God and to His created (Mark 10:45), loving & living for God instead of himself and loving & putting the needs of others ahead of his own (Mt. 22:37-40), so that we may know this abundant life He came to give. In word and in deed Jesus defines life FOR us and offers life TO us, life as God has always intended it to be.
The world has gotten it wrong. Looking out for number one, making sure our own needs are met before all others, scrambling for the top, always grasping for more…me, me, me
Jesus said, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” (Mt. 10:39)
We’ve been tricked into believing that life is about getting for ourselves, always accomplishing and achieving, receiving the recognition, obtaining a life of comfort and ease (we even see it in the newest version of the American Dream).
…When, INSTEAD, it’s always been about giving your life away.
Praying God’s people (the Body of Jesus, of whom He is the Head) in both word and deed, through the power of the Spirit given to us, let their light so shine (Mt. 4:14-16), lighting up the darkness, showing the way, spotlighting real Life, that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9) but all may be saved! (2 Tim. 2:4) :)