John begins from the very beginning (before the beginning of this created universe). If there’s one thing the Holy Spirit-inspired John wants his readers to know is that THIS is no ordinary, run-of-the-mill person. He was and is the long-awaited, highly-anticipated & hoped for Christ, but even more than they bargained for, God-in-flesh!
He takes his readers back to the familiar creation story. The same Word, that was both with God and is God, who spoke creation into existence is the God-in-flesh Jesus who came to dwell with his creation! The God whose words created the world is the same God who sent His Word to come and speak NEW life (a reborn life) into man.
Jesus the all-powerful God, creator of all things, chose to humble Himself, to enter His creation as one of His created, to walk and live amongst His creation. Out of His great love He came to bring us a put-together life, setting things right in us and in the world around us.
Though sin had marred his beautiful creation, causing worldwide devastation, hopelessness, destruction, even death, Jesus arrived on the scene, “the true light which gives light to everyone!” He is the way, the truth and the life! He’s come to rescue, redeem and restore! He lived a perfect and blameless life. In word and deed He revealed the arrival of the Kingdom of God! So that all who received and believed in his name would be given “the right to become children of God.” Jesus is God-made-known to us.
What kind of God does that? One who loves extravagantly, one who cares deeply about his creation and not only desires to set things right for us but is the only One with the power to do so! My response? Fall at the feet of Jesus and weep tears of endless joy for a God who cared to fix our mess and offer real life in return!