He does this in all His creating – yes, from nothingness, God creates this vast universe. But there’s more. To this day He continues to create life from dead things. He comes to us, dead in our transgressions (our rebellious, sin-filled ways) and breathes life! And though He is beyond all comprehension, though we can’t begin to understand the fullness of all He is and all He does He doesn’t remain far off, untouchable to His creation…instead, His desire all along, was that in His creating He would create those He would draw close to. You, His image-bearing creation. He loves you and desires to walk with you - for you to know Him as He knows you.
Dear friends, you’ve been made by God – intentionally thought up and intricately designed by this Amazing Giver of Life. This is the God we get to know - the God we get to tell about and share with those around us. Praying, that through you, God speaks, giving light and form and life to those whose paths you cross. Praying blessing upon blessing for you, and through you!