still with me? I hope so!
don't get me can make it about you, if you choose, matter-of-fact, since the beginning of time that's exactly what we set out to do.
how's that going for us? with the focus on "me," naturally what matters is, well, me - my own needs become primary. the cost? well, by default, others' needs, of course.
so we claw & climb, many times trampling "the other" because with "everything me", "everything you" becomes secondary at best, but more often, pushed aside if not forgotten all together.
the result? take a look around - see any frustration, anger, conflict, fighting? see any jealousies, bitterness, prejudices, even hate? what about people who go hungry or are exploited...
maybe the cost of "me first" is just too costly
Jesus came in grace and in truth. He came as the Prince of Peace. He came to offer hope to the hopeless, to bind up the broken-hearted and to set captives free. His kingdom ushers in help & rescue, compassion, mercy, justice & grace along with a love for the other.
Places of healing and rightness are places where "all about You" living is replacing "all about you" living.
the choice is still yours, always has been...but, "as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
so, where do I even get this "about You" kind of thinking? the pages of Scripture are filled with God's Story seamlessly woven through the endless stories of mankind continually blowing it as they all too often take God's grand story and live as if it were "the story of me" (beginning with Genesis 3).
but, don't take my word for it, read and see for yourself! my recommendation? The Voice Bible: Step Into the Story of Scripture. the best deal is probably - :)