Been spending time in prayer for you and continuing to, always, but especially as Easter approaches!
Easter is the reason for hope and joy and new life! All that has gone before and all that follows finds it’s answer in this event. Jesus spoke about forming us into His likeness, about setting things right and making things new…this event is what makes that possible! :)
Here’s something God has recently prompted me to consider: there would be no resurrection without the crucifixion. In other words, there’s no “resurrected Jesus” without the “giving up His life Jesus.” And it is this same Jesus who tenderly looks at us and says, “if you want new life you must first experience death.” He wasn’t talking about physical death. God tells us that the way to abundant life in Him is by “denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following Him.” There’s no new life without dying to self (“the old is gone the new has come”). Praying we know and experience and find the joy-filled life Jesus extends to us because of His death, burial and resurrection.
Will you please be praying for your friends and families in this same way too! Praying the Spirit moves and sweet revival occurs.
Looking forward to celebrating our resurrected King!
Love you deeply,
Ellie <3