All people everywhere are gladly invited to come in, to join the party, to discover forgiveness for the past, an astonishing destiny in God’s future, and a vocation in the present.
As the church is actively involved in seeking justice in the world, both globally and locally, and cheerfully celebrating God’s good creation and its rescue from corruption (in art and music for one), and as the church’s own internal life gives every sign that new creation is indeed happening, generating a new type of community – suddenly our Good News announcement begins to make sense.
In light of such a great hope, 'my beloved ones, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, because you know that in the LORD your labor is not in vain.' -1 Cor. 15:58
Because of Jesus and in the power of the Spirit, we are rescued to rescue and we are blessed to be a blessing with the promise that, in God’s new heaven and new earth, all things will be set right and all things will be made new." [Excerpt from N. T. Wright] :)